
Metstrip ST9160 - Cold Immersion

Metstrip ST9160
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Metstrip ST9160 - Cold Immersion

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Metstrip ST9160 is a blend of activated, low boiling solvents formulated to rapidly remove stubborn paint finishes from metal components and has suppressed evaporation by means of a wax seal surface membrane.

Metstrip ST9160 gives negligible attack on most metals. However, trials may be necessary to establish suitability for use with certain types of zinc, and light aluminium alloys. 

With this type of cold paint stripper very little solvent action occurs. The adhesion between the coating and the metal is destroyed, permitting removal of the finish without significant dissolution occurring. 

It will be noted that the evaporation rate with Metstrip ST9160 is much less than with most water sealed cold water immersion paint strippers.

Available in:

  • 25l drum (C3453)
  • 205l barrel (C3453)
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